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Specially developed DTF film for use in the R-Jet PRO DTF NP. 


This specially developed DTF film has a coating that reacts with the Powderless DTF inks which creates the bond before curing. Regular DTF films will cause the inks and adhesive to bleed when printed.  


This film is a cold peel product and unique to the Powderless DTF process.


Resolute Powderless DTF Film

Excluding VAT
  • The curing times are different to traditional powder prints. Please follow these instructions to ensure your prints has the optimum durability and vibrancy.

    Pressing onto cotton
    40 seconds @160c - cold peel - second press 20 seconds with silicone paper.

    Pressing onto polyester
    30 to 20 seconds @140c - cold peel - seconds press 10 seconds with silicone paper.

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